Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Thomas Aquinas, P.D. (28th January, 2016) on the Gospel and the Memorial
2Sam 7:18-19.24-29;
Ps 131:1-5.11-14 (R. Lk 1:32);Mk 4:21-25.

Topic: The lamp.
Jesus teaches us in today’s gospel that His teachings are not
meant to be hidden. Using the allegory of a lamp, they are to be placed on the
lamp-stand for others to see. He goes on to say that the standard one uses for
others will be used for the person and even more. More will be given to the
person who knows that he/she has because nobody is empty-handed, cf. 1Cor 12:7-11.
We celebrate Saint Thomas Aquinas today because he did not
hide the lamp. He placed it on the stand for all to see. Saint Thomas touched and
is still touching many aspects of human existence. Hence he is declared a Doctor
of the Church. It is important to note that it was not rosy for him. He had his
challenges especially from his noble family who even kidnapped him because they
considered his way of life as a dirt on the image of the family.
God expects all of us in various ways we can to help others
see the light of the gospel. He expects us to do to others exactly what and how
we want others to do to us, cf. Matt
7:12; Lk 6:31. Our duty is to
take the lamp, place it on the stand for others and using the right standard
for others.
Bible Reading: 2Tim 4:1-8.
Thought for today: Use the measure you want to be measured for you for
Let us pray: God help us place the light of the
gospel on the stand for others to see through Christ – Amen.
Saint Thomas Aquinas – Pray for us.
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