Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Irenaeus, B.M (28th June, 2016) on the Gospel and the
Amos 3:1-8. 4:11-12;
Ps 5:5-8. (R. v.9);Matt 8:23-27.

Topic: We ought to pray.
Whenever someone is in a difficult situation, many things do
come to mind. Many people might also come with their own suggestions. Unfortunately,
most often all these including the worst mistakes one could do at the moment
present themselves as best options.
In today’s gospel, as a result of the wind storm on the sea,
water had begun to fill the boat in which Jesus was sleeping. Certainly, His
disciples who were with Him must have thought of different options. Finally, they
woke Jesus up saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” Jesus rebuked the
winds and the sea, and there was a dead calm.
Think about your own situation. Certainly, it is not
impossible for God. So, stop fidgeting.
As you think of the way to follow, remember the words of Saint Irenaeus
of Lyons: Error never shows itself in its naked reality, in order not to be
discovered. On the contrary, it dresses elegantly, so that the unwary may be
led to believe that it is more truthful than truth itself.
Never look for solutions in a way that will rob you eternity,
cf. Matt 16:26. Jesus is still
alive. You only need to wake Him through prayers, cf. Jas 5:13. We ought to pray constantly, cf. 1Thess 5:17. No one who believes in God will be put to shame, cf. Rom 10:11.
Bible Reading: Lk 18:1-14.
Thought for today: Never lose heart.
Let us pray: Lord, help us to be confident in you
in all circumstances – Amen.
Saint Irenaeus of Lyons – Pray for us.
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