Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Dominic, P., (8th August, 2016) on the Gospel and the
Ezek 1:2-5.24-28;
Ps 148:1-2.11-14. (R. v.22); Matt 17:22-27.

Topic: Giving offence.
At Capernaum, the temple tax collectors demanded tax from
Jesus and Peter. Although it is wrong for them to demand temple tax from them,
yet Jesus paid to avoid giving offence to them.
Giving offence puts one off and might probably degenerate
into enmity. Jesus did not even argue with them on its legality. Some might judge
this as injustice. Saint Paul writes, “To have lawsuits at all with one another
is defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?” (1Cor 6:7).
Provoking others closes the door of communication. Hence Saint
Paul advices, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them
up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4). Again, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they
become discouraged” (Col 3:21).
Not reasoning in the same direction is not an excuse to give offence
to others. Saint Dominic did not provoke the Albigensians
even when threatened with violence. He also appealed to the authorities to have mercy on them. We
must live out Christ’s command, “Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you” (Matt 5:44).
Bible Reading: 1Cor 6:1-11.
Thought for today: ... love one another (Rom 13:8).
Let us pray: May the God of steadfastness and
encouragement grant us the grace to live in harmony with one another – Amen (cf.
Rom 15:5).
Saint Dominic – Pray for us.
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