Homily (Reflection) for Thursday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time (II) (18th August, 2016) on the Gospel

Ezek 36:23-28;
Ps 50:12-15.18-19. (R. Ezek 36:25);
Matt 22:1-14.

Topic: Readiness for the banquet.

In today’s gospel, Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. But those who were invited made light of it, one to his farm, another to his business, while the rest seized the slaves, mistreated them, and killed them. In anger, the king destroyed them and burned their city. He sent his slaves into the main streets to invite everyone. The king noticed a man without a wedding robe in the hall filled with guests and asked him how he entered without a wedding robe but he was speechless. The man was bound hand and foot, and thrown into the place of suffering.

Knowing that the man without the wedding robe was among those found on the streets, many might judge his punishment as unfair. However, in the Jewish culture, what was required of wedding guests was to take wedding robes provided by the host before entering the hall.

Again, the parable is about the kingdom of heaven. Jesus stresses the need to be ever ready, cf. Lk 12: 37.

It is a very big privilege to be invited to the banquet, cf. Rev 19:9. However those invited made light of it. One’s robe must be washed to have the right to enter by the gates, cf. Rev 22:14. And anyone who does not enter by the gate is a thief and a robber, cf. Jn 10:1.

We have the singular privilege to be invited to the banquet. The issue is whether we take it serious or make light of it. However, whoever fails to take it serious will be thrown into the place of suffering, cf. Lk 14:24.

Bible Reading: Ps 119:1-16; Lk 12:35-40.

Thought for today: God is inviting you to a banquet.

Let us pray: Lord, help us to be ever ready for the great banquet – Amen.

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