Sunday 13 November 2016

Do the necessary: Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bp., (11th November, 2016).

Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bp., (11th November, 2016) on the Gospel and the Memorial

2Jn 4-9;
Ps 118:1-2.10-11.17-18. (R. v.1);
Lk 17:26-37.

Saint Martin of Tours was born in the present day Hungary either in 316 or 336 AD. He became a Christian at the age of 10. As a young soldier, he encountered a naked beggar in Amiens. He cut his cloak with his sword into two halves and gave one to the beggar. That night, he had a vision in which Christ appeared and said to him, “Martin, a mere catechumen has clothed me.” When he was about 20 years old, he made it clear to his superiors that he would no longer fight, following his formed Christian conscience, but his superiors accused him of cowardice. Although he vehemently refused the bishopric, he was ordained the bishop of Tours in 371 and he became a holy and hardworking Bishop. He established a system of parishes to manage his diocese and visited each parish at least once per year. He passionately and faithfully proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and won many to the Christian faith. Martin died in Candes-Saint-Martin, Gaul in 397. He is the patron of the poor, soldiers, conscientious objectors, tailors, and winemakers.[1]
Topic: Do the necessary.
Jesus went on and told the people that the coming of the Son of Man will be likened to the days of Noah and the days of Lot. The people were busy doing what pleased them when the destruction came. He went ahead and said that there will be no room for any action.
We ought to prepare for the coming of the Son of Man. There is no need looking for one sign or another. Jesus Himself told us that there will be none.
Saint Martin of Tours we celebrate did prepare for His coming. Just as we have seen in his short biography above, he spent his life preparing for the coming of the Son of Man. We must imitate him so as to enjoy the beatific vision in the end.
Bible Reading: Rev 22:1-7.
Thought for today: Do not look for signs.
Let us pray: May Jesus Christ, our Lord help us prepare for his coming – Amen.
Saint Martin of Tours – Pray for us.

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