Tuesday 15 November 2016

Still God’s creature: Tuesday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time (II) (15th November, 2016).

Homily (Reflection) for Tuesday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time (II) (15th November, 2016) on the Gospel
(Saint Albert the Great, B.D., Opt Mem)

Rev 3:1-6.14-22;
Ps 14:2-5. (R. Rev 3:21);
Lk 19:1-10.

Topic: Still God’s creature.
In yesterday’s gospel, we saw Jesus on His way to Jericho. And today while passing through Jericho, Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, a rich but short man could not see Him on account of the crowd. He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree beside the road Jesus was to pass. When Jesus reached there, He called him by name and asked him to come down and welcome Him as his guest. People grumbled because he was a known sinner. Zacchaeus vowed to give half of his possessions to the poor and to repay everyone he had defrauded four times. Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.”
Zacchaeus had been marked by the people for Hell. In the Jewish culture, such persons have no room for repentance. However, even the worst sinner still retains God’s trademark (God’s creature). Hence, Jesus even addressed him by his personal name. And God is still interested in the salvation of all even those who have lost the hope of being saved.
Dear friends, what is still holding you down? Jesus is calling you today as He called Zacchaeus to follow the example of Zacchaeus who admitted that he was a sinner. Jesus loves all His children, cf. Jn 13:1. Zacchaeus confessed by telling Jesus the things he was to do to make his path straight. Love the poor in action for love covers a multitude of sins, cf. 1Pt 4:8. You are required to do restitution. 
Bible Reading: Ps 51.
Thought for today: God is still waiting for you.
Let us pray: Lord, give us the strength not just to leave our old ways but also to make amends – Amen.

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