Wednesday 14 December 2016

Ask questions: Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, P.D. (14th December, 2016).

Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, P.D. (14th December, 2016) on the Gospel and the Memorial

Is 45:6-8.18.21-26;
Ps 85:9-14. (R. Is 45:8);
Lk 7:19-23.

Saint John of the Cross was born in Spain in 1542. He became a Carmelite and was ordained a priest in 1567. Saint Theresa of Avila encouraged him to undertake the reform of his Order. He was strenuously opposed and suffered many trials and setbacks. He led a life of prayer which bore fruit in a number of writings that are classics of the mystical life which include The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night of the Soul, The Spiritual Canticle, and The Living Flame of Love. His outstanding homilies, austerity of life, poetic genius and charity remain a living example.[1]
Topic: Ask questions.
John the Baptist was sent as a precursor of Jesus Christ and he testified to Him based on the signs he saw, cf. Jn 1:29-34. But in today’s gospel he sent two of his disciples to Jesus with the question: “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” (Lk 7:20).
The book Deuteronomy reads: “Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you” (Deut 32:7). When the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua and the Israelites did to Jericho and Ai, they went to them in cunning. And because Joshua and the Israelites did not ask direction from the LORD they fell prey to their cunning, cf. Josh 9:14. By doing so, they went contrary to the will of God, cf. Deut 7:2-5.
There are a lot of mistakes we could have avoided if only we asked questions. Not only did we fail to ask questions but some are yet to ask questions to help correct the mistakes. In the letter of Saint James we read: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him” (Jas 1:5).
Begin today to ask questions not just to avoid mistakes but also those that will help you correct every mistake you have done. Saint John of the Cross sanitized the system he was in. Right questions can help us do better.
Bible Reading: Josh 9:1-27.
Thought for today: Question first.
Let us pray: Almighty God and Father always direct us in the right part – Amen.
Saint John of the Cross – Pray for us.

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[1] The Weekday Missal: A new edition (1995). HarperCollins Religious: London. p.1831.

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