Friday 2 December 2016

Give without charge: Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, P. (3rd December, 2016).

Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, P. (3rd December, 2016) on the Gospel and the Memorial

Is 30:19-21.23-26;
Ps 146:1-6 (R. Is 30:18)
Matt 9: 35-10:1.6-8.
Saint Francis Xavier was “born in 1506, in Spain, he was an original member of the Society of Jesus with St Ignatius – he took vows of poverty and chastity, and committed himself to evangelise the pagans. He is one of the greatest of all Christian missionaries, preaching in Goa, South East Asia, Japan – where he landed in 1549. He learned Japanese, and formed a Church that endured long drawn-out persecution. He died while on his way from Goa to China, in 1552. Not only was his preaching effective in drawing people to Christ, but he was able to organise the communities so that they could survive when he left them.”[1]
Topic: Give without charge.
In today’s gospel, Jesus empowered his twelve apostles to cast out unclean spirits and to cure all kinds of diseases and sickness. These twelve were sent out with clear instruction: “As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment”.
It is important to remind ourselves that we all possess variety of gifts from the same God, cf. 1Cor 12:4; Eph 4:11. Despite the fact that our gifts differ, they are given to us to be used, cf. Rom 12:6. These gifts are to be used not for the enrichment of the caretakers but for the good of all, cf. 1Cor 12:7.
As you go about your business today, this season, and all the days of your life remember that there lies your own gift from God. Do not steal or cheat or take advantage of others using the gifts you received from God as arms. Let us emulate Saint Francis Xavier we truly gave for the good of all.
Bible Reading: 1Cor 12:1-31.
Thought for today: What do you receive from God and how do you use them?
Let us pray: May the Holy Spirit of God help us to understand the gifts we have been given and to use them for the common good (cf. 1Cor 2:12) – Amen.
Saint Francis Xavier – Pray for us.

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[1] The Weekday Missal: A New Edition (1995). London: HarperCollins Religious, p.1811.

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