Saturday 24 December 2016

Promise fulfilled: 24th December, 2016: Weekday of Advent.

Homily (Reflection) for 24th December, 2016: Weekday of Advent on the Gospel
(Mass in the Morning)

2Sam 7:1-5.8-12.14.16;
Ps 88:2-5. 27.29. (R. cf. v. 2)
Lk 1:67-79.
Topic: Promise fulfilled.
Prophet Isaiah prophesied about the child to born tonight: “... to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called ‘Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’” (Is 9:6). God has looked favourably on us and redeemed us by giving us a mighty saviour, cf. Lk 1:68-69a.
As we welcome our Saviour Jesus Christ, it is important to open our lives to Him. He is coming into this world to save me and you. How we welcome Him is very important. Although God made us and we belong to Him (cf. Ps 100:3), and also has power to do whatever He wants (cf. 2Chr 25:8; Matt 19:26), yet He does not force Himself into anybody. Hence, He stands at the door knocking, cf.  Rev 3:20.
Just as Zechariah blessed God in this prophesy, I pray that you will always have course to praise God all the days of your life. But remember to always wait on God and it shall come to pass that all who call upon the name of the LORD shall be delivered, cf. Joel 2:32. He will come at the appointed time. Nothing is too hard for the LORD, cf. Gen 18:14.
Bible Reading: Is 9:1-7.
Thought for today: It/they shall come to pass.
Let us pray: Lord, give us strong faith to always wait on you till you fulfil all you promised us – Amen.

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