Saturday, 28 January 2017

Wake Him up: Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, P.D., (28th January, 2017).

Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, P.D., (28th January, 2017) on the Gospel and the Memorial
(Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time (I))
Heb 11:1-2.8-19;
Lk 1:69-75 (R. cf. v.68);
Mk 4:35-41.
Tommaso d'Aquino (1225 – 7 March 1274) otherwise known as Saint Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Dominican friar and a Catholic priest who was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism, within which he is also known as the “Doctor Angelicus” and “Doctor Communis”. Unlike many currents in the Church of the time, Thomas embraced several ideas put forward by Aristotle—whom he called “the Philosopher”—and attempted to synthesize Aristotelian philosophy with the principles of Christianity. Saint Thomas best known works are the Summa Theologica and the Summa contra Gentiles. His commentaries on Sacred Scripture and on Aristotle also form an important part of his body of work. He is also distinguished for his eucharistic hymns, which form part of the Church's liturgy. Saint Thomas Aquinas is a Doctor of the Church[1].
Topic: Wake Him up.
In the psalm we read that God does neither sleep nor slumber, (cf. Ps 121:3, 4) unlike the watchmen of Israel whom the prophet describes as blind, and without knowledge; dumb dogs who cannot bark; dreamers who are lying down, and lovers of sleep, cf. Is 56:10. But in today’s gospel, while crossing to the other side in a boat with His disciples, “A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion ....” (Mk 4:37-38a). When they woke Him He calmed the wind and the sea and queried: “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” (Mk 4:40). The controversy whether God sleeps or not will not be of any benefit to us in this homily.
At different points in one’s life it looks as if God is no longer aware of what is happening in the world or has suddenly become uninterested. Sometimes one might even be tempted to question whether He still exist and is still God.
Although things might have gone contrary to your expectations but do not turn to either right or left. What you really need is to wake Jesus up. When those in the boat with Jesus woke Him up they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” cf. Mk 4:41. So what are you waiting for? That trouble comes one’s way does not mean that God is far from him or her. Wake Him up. If you wake Him up through prayer after the example of Saint Thomas Aquinas who was a man of prayer, you will certainly be filled with even greater awe.
Bible Reading: Ps 125; Eph 3:20-21.
Thought for today: It is still the same Jesus.
Let us pray: God, open our eyes to see your hand at work – Amen.
Saint Thomas Aquinas – Pray for us.
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