Homily (Reflection) for Saturday of
the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time (I) (18th February, 2017) on the
(B.V.M. on Saturday, Opt. Mem.)
Heb 11:1-7;
Ps 144:2-5.10-11 (R. cf. v.1);Mk 9:2-13.
Topic: What is imminent.

We remember that Peter rebuked Jesus when He foretold what
was waiting for Him, cf. Mk 8:32. That
same Peter in today’s gospel said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be
Certainly, it is good to be there. Hence, Saint Paul wrote, “What
no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has
prepared for those who love him” 1Cor
2:9; cf. Is 64:3-4. However, let
no one forget the fact that for one to reign with Christ, he/she must first endure
with Him. And He will deny whoever denies Him and His cross, cf. 2Tim 2:12; Mk 8:38. Whoever does not
work will not eat, cf. 2Thess 3:10.
Let us therefore imitate Christ who, although was in the form
of God, emptied Himself and took the form of a slave. He became obedient to the
Father to the point of accepting the most ignoble death. All these first came
before His exaltation, cf. Phil 2:5-11.
The choice is ours either to follow the path that leads to true exaltation or
the path that leads to what looks like exaltation but in fact perdition, cf. Prov 19:23; Matt 7:13-14.
Bible Reading: Phil 2:1-11.
Thought for today: Whoever does not work will not eat, cf. 2Thess 3:10.
Let us pray: God, help us to follow the path that
leads to true glory – Amen.
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