Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Augustine, B.D., (28th August, 2017) on the Gospel and the Memorial
(Monday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary
Time (I))
1Thess 1:1-5.8-10;
Ps 149:1-6.9. (R. v.4);Matt 23:13-22.

Topic: Woe to you....
Today’s gospel is the continuation of last Saturday’s gospel
in which Jesus urged His listeners to do and to follow what the scribes and the
Pharisees taught because they occupied Moses’ seat. He also warned them against
following their example because they did not practice what they taught.
In today’s gospel, Jesus summarized them by naming them hypocrites.
He denounced them and also proclaimed woes on them. Their sins include locking
people out of the kingdom of heaven, suffering so much to make a convert only
to make him/her worse child of hell than themselves, and also feeding the
people with false teachings.
Saint Augustine we celebrate today was brought back to the
true faith through the prayers of his mother and the preaching of Saint Ambrose.
The story would have been different if these did not perform their roles well. Augustine
attested to this in these words, “If I am your child, it is because you gave me
such a mother.”
Ensure that no one is prevented from following God through
your actions, words, and omissions. Every person can be a good channel for the
salvation of others. Saint John warns, “Look to yourselves, that you may not
lose what you have worked for, but may win a full reward” (2Jn 1:8). There will be woes to anyone who fails to be a channel of
salvation to others.
Bible Readings: 2Jn 7-11.
Thought for today: You are a channel of salvation.
Let us pray: Lord, help us to be your sincere children
– Amen.
Saint Augustine – Pray
for us.
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