Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Our Lady of Sorrows (15th September, 2017) on the Gospel and the Memorial
Heb 5:7-9;
Ps 30:2-6.15-16.20. (R. v.17);
Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35.

Topic: Can’t miss now.
In today’s gospel (Jn
19:25-27), while Jesus was hanging on the cross, the disciple whom He loved
was standing beside His mother. Jesus said to His mother, “Woman, here is your
son.” And to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” The gospel further reads,
“And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.”
Christ prayed that all His disciples may perfectly be one, cf.
Jn 17:11. 21-23. However, enmity
among His disciples keeps skyrocketing without a just cause. Each group claims
to be God’s chosen and that He hears no other voice but theirs. Some see and
treat others as pagans. As a result of the confusion, none sees anything good
in whatever others do. And this affects a lot of things with particular
reference to the honour due to the mother of Jesus.
Mary stood with Jesus from His conception to His death on the
cross. The bible attests to this. She carried Him for nine months in her womb,
cf. Lk 1:31.2:3-7. Mary and Saint
Joseph presented Him in the temple, cf. Lk 2:33-35. When He remained in
Jerusalem, they searched for Him for three days, cf. Lk 2:41-46. At her request, Jesus performed His first miracle when His
time had not reached, cf. Jn 2:1-11.
In today’s gospel, she was with Him at the climax of His suffering. She did not
even retire after His death, resurrection, and ascension. She stayed and prayed
with His disciples, cf. Acts 1:14. We
limit ourselves to these.
Jesus promised that whoever endures to the end will be saved,
cf. Matt 10:22. 24:13; Mk 13:13. Again,
that He will give to those who stood by Him a kingdom, cf. Lk 22:28-30. Mary was never found wanting in any of the criteria
Jesus use to reward His disciples. Therefore, since she stood so faithfully, she
can’t miss now. Whoever thinks that she is given too much ought to know that it
is God himself who raised her up, cf. Lk
1:28,30-33, 41-45,48-49. And she gave herself entirely, cf. Lk 1:38.
As we struggle to have Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour,
it is important also to consider the place of Mary in our lives. Immediately
Jesus gave John to her, the gospel reads, “And from that hour the disciple took
her into his own home”. Where do you keep Jesus’ mother?
Bible Reading: Lk 2:22-51.
Thought for today: Mary shared in Jesus’ suffering.
Let us pray: Lord, open our hearts to understand
how much your mother shared in your suffering – Amen.
Our Lady of Sorrows – Pray for us.
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