Homily (Reflection) for the Feast of Saint
Andrew, Ap. (30th November, 2017) on the Gospel and the Feast
Rom 10:9-18;
Ps 18:2-5. (R.v.5);
Matt 4:18-22.

Topic: Follow me.
We see in today’s gospel the call of Saint Andrew whose feast
we celebrate today. He and his brother immediately left their source of
livelihood and followed Jesus without any form of resistance or assurance of a
better pay, cf. Matt 4:20. James and
John, sons of Zebedee also left even their father and followed Jesus, cf. Matt 4:22.
Remember that same Jesus who called Saint Andrew also called and
is still calling us today. Although we all must not leave our sources of
livelihood as Saint Andrew and his colleagues did but we all must live lives as
those who have been called out of the world, cf. Jn 17:14-16.
Again, as Saint Andrew brought the Gentiles to Jesus, we are called
not just to be saved but especially to be channels through which others will know
Jesus. Bring as much people as possible to Christ through your words and your
actions. Remember that you are the light and salt of the earth, cf. Matt 5:13-14. Christians do not walk in
darkness and has no boundary with the evil one, cf. Jn 8:12; 2Cor 6:15.
Bible Reading: Gal 3:19-4:7; Jn 17:10-21.
Thought for today: You have been called by Jesus Christ.
Let us pray: Lord, we humbly ask you to help us
bring people to you through our words and actions today and forever – Amen.
Saint Andrew – Pray for us.
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