Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (29th August, 2018) on
the Gospel and the Memorial
Jer 1:17-19;
Ps 70:1-6.15.17. (R. v.15);
Mk 6:17-29.

Topic: Terrible is a bad adviser.
Think about the offer Herod made to Herodias’ daughter; even
half of his kingdom. It could have been probably an opportunity to be the
youngest girl to rule such a vast kingdom, to spur young girls to use their
talents positively, to raise the dignity of women when they counted not quite better
than commodities, and so on. But because of her mother’s terrible advice, she
turned her back on all these and many more to become a murderer; killed one who
brought them the message of salvation, cf. Acts
13: 26.47; Eph 1:13.
The book of Proverbs extols advice, “Fools think their own
way is right, but the wise listen to advice” (Prov 12:15). Again, “By insolence the heedless make strife, but
wisdom is with those who take advice” (Prov
13:10). The author also advices, “Listen to advice and accept instruction,
that you may gain wisdom for the future” (Prov
19:20). We also read elsewhere, “Better is a poor but wise youth than an
old and foolish king, who will no longer take advice” (Eccl 4:13).
We see in today’s gospel the power of advice (words). It is
very important to listen to advice but it is more important to consider them
before putting them into use, cf. Jas
1:19. Just one foolish advice turned Herodias’ daughter into a terrible
Advisers must be very careful of what they give in the name
of advice. One piece of advice can turn an angel into a demon and vice versa. And
while giving advice, we must always remember that there is great reward for
good advisers, cf. Dan 12:3. On the
other hand, there is terrible punishment for bad advisers, cf. Matt 18:6; Mk 9:42; Lk 17:2.
Bible Reading: Prov 18:2-8; Eccl
Thought for today: Give and also take only good advice.
Let us pray: God, enlighten us to identify the
good and the bad advice; and strengthen us to accept only the good ones – Amen.
Saint John the Baptist – Pray for us.
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