Homily (Reflection) for the Third Sunday of
the Year (C) (27th January, 2019) on the Gospel
Neh 8:2-6.8-10;
Ps 18:8-10.15. (R. Jn 6:63);
1Cor 12:12-30 or 1Cor 12:12-14.17;
1:1-4; 4:14-21.
A priest was dragged to the bishop by some of
his parishioners. The aggrieved parishioners said virtually everything with the
exception of anything good about the priest. Wondering if the priest was on a
mission for all sorts of evil at the parish, the bishop asked them if he
actually did all the things they accused him of that even if he decided to do
only evil he would not have been able to do all they have said. After looking
at themselves for a while, the spokesperson replied, “My Lord, it is not that
he has actually did all these. We decided to accuse him of both the ones he has
done and those we think he will do in the future if he is allowed to stay
further. It is left for him to wriggle himself out of them or bear the
Topic: Always say the truth.
Two major themes in today’s gospel
are the purpose of Saint Luke’s gospel (Lk
1:1-4) and the beginning of the Galilean ministry (Lk 4:14-21). Saint Luke knew that he was not the first to embark on
the project but he “too decided, after investigating everything carefully from
the very first, to write an orderly account ... so that you may know the truth
concerning the things about which you have been instructed” (Lk 1:3-4). And the second part portrays
Jesus as the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophesy, cf. Is 61:1-2. Our homily however will be based on the first part (Lk 1:1-4).
Luke clearly stated that he was not an eyewitness (Lk 1:2). He did a careful investigation
to write an orderly account for Theophilus to know the truth concerning the
things he has been instructed. Luke did not intend convincing Theophilus
through deception because “He who speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a
false witness utters deceit” (Prov 12:17).
Today, truth has fallen in the public squares, and
uprightness cannot enter, cf. Is 59:14.
Through prophet Jeremiah God accuses the Israelites of not obeying His voice
and of rejecting discipline. Again, that truth has perished and is cut off from
their lips, cf. Jer 7:28. He goes
further “Every one deceives his neighbour, and no one speaks the truth; they
have taught their tongue to speak lies; they commit iniquity and are too weary
to repent” (Jer 9:5).
Although many despise those who speak the truth (cf. Jn 8:45; Amos 5:10) yet children of God cannot abandon truth for lies. God
is the truth, cf. Is 65:16; Jn 18:37.
Jesus also speaks of Himself, I am ... the truth, cf. Jn 14:6. Again, the Holy Spirit is the truth, cf. 1Jn 5:7. And no lie can be found in the
truth, cf. 1Jn 2:21.
On the contrary, the devil hates the truth, because there is
no truth in him. And when he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for
he is a liar and the father of lies, cf. Jn
Children of God must remember that God’s word is truth, cf. Jn 17:17. And the summary of His word
is also truth, cf. Ps 119:160. The
household of God, the church of the living God, is both the pillar and bulwark
of the truth, cf. 1Tim 3:15. But
unfortunately, it seems that many have exchanged the truth about God for a lie;
they worship and serve creatures rather than the Creator, cf. Rom 1:25. The sanctity of the house of
God must be maintained at all cost no matter what one thinks is at stake.
Sanctification of souls should be paramount. Handle the word of truth
correctly, cf. 2Tim 2:15. We must do
everything only for the truth, cf. 2Cor
Saint Paul begs us all to guard the truth that has been
entrusted to us by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us cf. 2Tim 1:14. We all ought to put away
falsehood and speak the truth to our neighbours, cf. Eph 4:25. But we must speak the truth in love, cf. Eph 4:15. Let no one sacrifice the
truth on any altar, cf. Prov 23:23.
Saint Paul also calls on us all to celebrate not with the old leaven, the
leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and
truth, cf. 1Cor 5:8.
Dear friends, the parishioners who reported their parish
priest to their bishop levelled against him all sorts of lies just to make the
bishop see him as a devil. Even if you have an issue with somebody, always say
what you know about the person. Do not lie against anybody even against the
devil. Anyone who wishes to worship God must do so in spirit and in truth, cf. Jn 4:24. Children of God are children
of truth.
Bible Reading: Jas 5:12; Matt 5:33-37; Ps 15; Prov
23:1-35; 1Tim 6:3-10.
Thought for today:
...the truth will make you free (Jn 8:32).
Let us pray: God, give us your light and your
truth; let them lead us to your holy hill and to your dwelling – Amen (Ps 43:3).
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