Tuesday 22 January 2019

Sabbath was made for humankind: Tuesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time (I) (22nd January, 2019).

Homily (Reflection) for Tuesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time (I) (22nd January, 2019) on the Gospel
Heb 6:10-20;
Ps 100:1-2.4-5.9.10. (R. v.5);
Mk 2:23-28.
Topic: Sabbath was made for humankind.
In today’s gospel, Jesus’ disciples plucked heads of grain as Jesus went through the grain fields. The Pharisees frowned at it as unlawful on the sabbath. Jesus reminded them what happened when Abiathar was high priest. David and his men entered the house of God when they were hungry and in need of food. They ate the bread of the Presence which was lawful for priests alone. Jesus concluded with this popular verse: “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath ...” (Mk 2:27).
What worried the Pharisees was the observance of the sabbatical laws. The welfare of the people means little or nothing to them.
We are in a society full of assorted laws – religious, civil, group, family, and so on. Some of these laws have no other reason why they still exist other than that they were handed down by forefathers, cf. Matt 15:2; Mk 7:5. Many of these laws have little or nothing to contribute to the good of humans. And some are truly burdens and instruments of oppression.
It is disheartening that many are either afraid, or unconcerned, or too weak to take stand against such unjust laws. Today’s gospel challenges us to see that laws are for the good of the people. God delights in our welfare cf. Ps 35:27.
Bible Reading: 1Cor 10:23–11:1.
Thought for today: Laws are for the good of the people.
Let us pray: Eternal lawgiver, direct those who make laws and those who apply them to work for the common good – Amen.
You are free to share this reflection with others if you consider it worthy.

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