Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Do not be deterred: Memorial of Saint Paul Miki, and Comps., Mm, (06th February, 2019).

Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial of Saint Paul Miki, and Comps., Mm, (06th February, 2019) on the Gospel and the Memorial
(Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time (I))
Heb 12:4-7.11-15;
Ps 102:1-2.13-14.17-18. (R. cf. v.17);
Mk 6:1-6.
Saint Paul Miki was the son of a Japanese military leader. He was educated by Jesuits, joined the Jesuits in 1580, and became known for his eloquent preaching. He was crucified on Februay 5 with twenty-five other Catholics during the persecution of Christians under the Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ruler of Japan in the name of the emperor. Among the Japanese laymen who suffered the same fate were: Francis, a carpenter; Gabriel, the nineteen year old son of the Franciscan's porter; Leo Kinuya, a twenty-eight year old carpenter from Miyako; Diego Kisai (or Kizayemon), temporal coadjutor of the Jesuits; Joachim Sakakibara, cook for the Franciscans at Osaka; Peter Sukejiro, sent by a Jesuit priest to help the prisoners; Cosmas Takeya; and Ventura, who had been baptized by the Jesuits, gave up his Catholicism on the death of his father, and was brought back to the Church by the Franciscans. They were all canonized as the Martyrs of Japan in 1862.[1]
Topic: Do not be deterred.
In today’s gospel, Jesus came to His hometown with His disciples and taught in their synagogue on the sabbath. His teaching left strong impression on many who heard Him. Yet they took offence at Him because they knew His background too well, cf. Mk 6:2-3. Jesus was amazed at their unbelief and did not do much deed of power there.
You may have suffered rejection or other forms of ill-treatment just because of your background, look unto God. Human’s rejection cannot strip you of the things God has blessed you with, cf. 2Cor 3:5. Go ahead and thank God who has blessed you so much, cf. Job 7:17. God will continue to be gracious to you and to bless you and to make His face shine upon you, cf. Ps 67:1. God’s judgement is final, cf. Job 12:14.
Finally, remember that whoever rejects his brother or sister denies him/herself lots of good things God has commissioned that brother or sister to convey. Be wise and open your arms to your brothers and sisters. No one has it all.
Bible Reading: Ps 67:1-7.
Thought for today: Do not be deterred.
Let us pray: May God help us discover more and more of His blessings in our lives even as people reject us – Amen.
Saint Paul Miki and Companions – Pray for us.
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