Homily (Reflection) for Friday of the
Fourth Week in Ordinary Time (I) (08th February, 2019) on the Gospel
Heb 13:1-8;
Ps 26: (R. v.1);
Mk 6:14-29.
Topic: You can always recant.

Have you ever thought of what would have been Herod’s
decision if Herodias’ daughter had requested for his own head because he did
not exclude it, “Whatever you ask me, I will give you...”? Your speculation is
as good as mine.
There is an Igbo adage, okenye
anaghị agbụpụchaa racharakwa meaning that a man ought to stand by his
words. However, this stands when the words are not uttered in error because a
fool is better than a man who is hasty in his words, cf. Prov 29:20.
It is only God who does not call back His words, (cf. Is 31:2) because He is a perfect God,
cf. Matt 5:48; Deut 32:4; Job 37:16; 2Chro
19:7; Ps 18:30; 92:15. Herod
never thought the girl would ask for such. Hence he was deeply grieved. But the
big question is ‘why did he proceed to give order?’ He played God; he cannot go
back on his words. Wise people are ever ready to recant as soon as they
discover that they are in error. There is need to be steadfastness in what is
It is not good to make hasty statements. If one makes a
mistake as we all make often, do not be ashamed to recant. Be humble enough to
admit mistakes and to amend.
Bible Reading: Ps 90:1-17.
Thought for today: Do not remain in your mistake/s.
Let us pray: Lord, help us to stand by you always
and be ever ready to amend our ways whenever we transgressed – Amen.
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to share this reflection with others if you consider it worthy.
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