Homily (Reflection) for Monday of the
First Week of Lent (11th March, 2019) on the Gospel
Lev 19:1-2.11-18;
Ps 18:8-10.15 (Jn 6:64);
Matt 25:31-46.
Topic: Eternal life or punishment.

Certainly one may be disturbed that he or she would have done
something but for the lack of the means. Pope Saint Leo the Great rightly
There are all manner of possible works of mercy and their
very variety implies this for true Christians that both the rich and the poor
have opportunities for doing good. Thus, even if we are not equal in our
worldly goods, we can achieve an equal standard in the love of our fellows.[1]
Whoever wants to be called blessed on the judgement day must
bless those around him or her now. One must work towards where he or she wants
to spend eternity. And this important decision must be made by each person. No
one else will do it for you. We must remember that those who will be on God’s
left will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life,
cf. Matt 25:46. Decide now where you
want to be.
Bible Reading: Prov 30:5-9; Rom 12:9-21.
Thought for today: Where do you work towards – heaven or hell?
Let us pray: Lord, on our own we can do nothing. Please,
help us in our struggle towards eternal life – Amen.
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to share this reflection with others if you consider it worthy.
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May God bless you all+
Pope Saint Leo the Great. Sermon 6 on Lent, 1-2. In The divine office: The liturgy of the hours according to the roman
rite, II (1997). pp. 14-15.
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