Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Martha, (29th July, 2019) on the Gospel and the Memorial
Ex 32:15-24.30-34;
Ps 105:19-23. (R. v.1);
Matt 13:31-35.

Topic: Unless you put them forth.
In today’s gospel, Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a
mustard seed and yeast. Our homily will focus on the parable of the mustard
seed. This seed is the smallest of all the seeds but when planted, it becomes
the greatest of all shrubs and become a tree, so that the birds of the air make
nests in its branches, cf. Matt 13:32.
a mustard seed is not sown, it remains the smallest of all the seeds. Imagine someone
who has just a mustard seed. Often, we lose confidence in ourselves. Some do
find it very difficult to believe that they are good for anything. Many things remain
in the world of ideas (in the mind) as a result of this. Whatever gift one has
can be greater than the biblical mustard seed if it is put into use.
are all instruments in the hands of God. Every instrument (human being) is
meant for something big although, we may not see the magnitude of some of the
instruments. What each of us can become is only known to God, cf. Matt 24:36; Mk 13:32. Saint Martha put
forth her service for the good of all. What do you have that benefits your
brothers and sisters?
Bible Readings: 1Cor 6:12-20.
Thought for today: We are instruments in the hands of God, cf. Acts 9:15.
Let us pray: Lord and Master, give us the grace that will
enable us to put every gift we have received from you into proper use – Amen.
Saint Martha – Pray for us.
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