Friday 6 September 2019

Consider your words and acts: Friday of the Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time (I) (06th September, 2019).

Homily (Reflection) for Friday of the Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time (I) (06th September, 2019) on the Gospel
Col 1:15-20;
Ps 99:2-5. (R. v.2);
Lk 5:33-39.
Topic: Consider your words and acts.
The Pharisees and their scribes asked Jesus why His disciples did not fast like those of John and the Pharisees. He told them that the wedding guests do not fast while they are with the bridegroom. He also told them that a piece of new garment is not sewed on an old one nor new wine poured into old wineskins.
Remember, the Pharisees and their scribes never believed in Jesus. Consequently their question did not seek for clarification but to confirm their belief that He is not from God, cf. Jn 9:29. They have lots of reasons behind their belief. These include the knowledge of His origin they thought they possess that contradicted the prophecy about Him, cf. Jn 7:27. Again, they did not know that Christ descended from David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was, cf. Jn 7:42.
Sometimes, we see ourselves in the same mesh of seeking the downfall of our brothers and sisters. This has no regard for the truth but just the fall of the target even when it contradicts the truth. Jesus is the truth, cf. Jn 14:6. Whoever is against the truth is against Jesus. It is the truth that sets people free, cf. Jn 8:32.
We must always question our words and actions to find out whether we are for or against the truth. It is wrong to do anything against the truth, cf. 2Cor 13:8.
Bible Reading: Mk 11:27-33.
Thought for today: Consider the reasons behind your sayings and doings.
Let us pray: God, give us the grace to search for and to accept the truth not minding whom it favours – Amen.
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