Tuesday 10 September 2019

Need to pray always: Tuesday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time (I) (10th September, 2019).

Homily (Reflection) for Tuesday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time (I) (10th September, 2019) on the Gospel
Col 2:6-15;
Ps 144:1-2.8-11. (R. v.9);
Lk 6:12-19.
Topic: Need to pray always.
Today’s gospel is made-up of two parts, the choosing of the twelve apostles (Lk 6:12-16) and the gathering of great multitude around Jesus (Lk 6:17-19). We shall focus on the first part.
Jesus spent the night on the mountain in prayer to the Father. After that, He called His disciples and chose twelve of them, whom He also named apostles.
Supposing we find ourselves in such a situation, selecting people out of those we have known for some time, how many will deem it necessary to ask for God’s assistance (pray)? Many will certainly think otherwise. The prophet Jeremiah reads, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it? (Jer 17:9) Out of the heart of man comes every form of evil, cf. Mk 7:21. And it is only God who can search the mind and try the heart, cf. Jer 17:10a.
We need to pray always even in those circumstances we think we least need God, cf. 1Thess 5:17. There is need to always remember that apart from God we are nothing, cf. Jn 15:5. We ought to pray always and never lose heart, cf. Lk 18:1. Whenever one stops praying, he/she is bound to sink like Peter, cf. Matt 14:30. However, before lifting our hands to God, we must ensure that they are holy and without anger or quarrelling, because both the prayer and offering of evil people are abominations before God, cf. 1Tim 2:8; Prov 3:32. 11:20. 15:8. 21:27.
Bible Reading: Jas 5:13-20.
Thought for today: The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective (Jas 5:16).
Let us pray: Lord, teach us to pray, as you taught your disciples – Amen (cf. Lk 11:1).
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