Homily (Reflection) for the Memorial
of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, B.M. (17th October, 2019) on the
Gospel and the Memorial
Rom 3:21-30;
Ps 129:1-6. (R.v.7);
Lk 11:47-54.

Topic: Last in the list.
Jesus further denounced the lawyers for being witnesses and
also approving the killing of the prophets by their ancestors. He also said in
part, “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you
did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.” The
concluding verses read, “When he went outside, the scribes and the Pharisees
began to be very hostile toward him and to cross-examine him about many things,
lying in wait for him, to catch him in something he might say.”
Jesus’ outright condemnation of evil brought against Him
extreme hostility. The same measure awaits anyone who follows His footsteps, cf.
Matt 10:25. He warns, “Remember the
word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they
persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep
yours also” (Jn 15:20).
Expect no worldly crown for condemning evil. Even one’s
brothers and sisters of the same faith may also misunderstand him/her. The last
in the list to expect from the world for following Jesus is her approval.
However, “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all
kinds of evil against you falsely on my account” (Matt 5:11). We must always do the will of our Father in heaven, cf.
Matt 7:21; Jn 5:30. He will grant justice to His people who cry to Him day and
night without delay. However, it is important to keep faith, cf. Lk 18:7-8. God will wipe away the tears
of His children, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the
earth, cf. Is 25:8.
Bible Reading: 2Cor 12:1-10.
Thought for today: God comforts His children.
Let us pray: Lord, we need your grace to always do
your will – Amen.
Saint Ignatius of Antioch – Pray for
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