Homily (Reflection) for Thursday of
the Thirty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time (I) (28th November, 2019) on
the Gospel
Dan 6:12-28;
Dan 3:68-74. (R.v.59);
Lk 21:20-28.
Topic: Worth remembering.

As we approach the end of this liturgical year, I considered
it necessary for us to think towards the end of other things especially our existence
here on earth. Although it may be scaring for some, yet it is a reality that no
one has discovered how to avoid. At best, many have only suggested ways of
delaying it and never how to eliminate it. Think also of our wealth, positions,
connections, and so on. All these and every other thing except God will also
come to end.
Have you ever asked yourself what your fate will be after your
sojourn here on earth? This question often gives me sleepless nights because we
often look down on it. That day, each person will stand before God to give
account of him/herself. He is ready to judge the living and the dead, cf. 1Pt 4:5; 2Tim 4:1. And remember, He
will not judge by appearances, cf. Jer
17:10. 20:12. How prepared are you?
Bible Reading: Ps 90:1-17.
Thought for today: Where do you prepare for?
Let us pray: Lord, help us to remember always that
life is too short – Amen.
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others if you consider it worthy.
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